Fun Facts
Fun facts are aspects about me that paint a picture of who I am.
Maybe you'll recognize yourself in some of them?
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1. I’m Italian with German and Swiss roots. I definitely got my temperament from my Italian ancestors. My family includes French, Germans, Swiss, English, Dutch, and of course Italians.
2. I grew up in Olten, and the cemetery was often our playground.
3. My father taught me how to knit when I was six years old.
4. My first doll had dark skin. That was 62 years ago.
5. When I was seven, I was so thin that I had to go to a health spa. As a result, I missed a lot of knowledge in my first year of school.
6. In the needlework class, I was the best at darning socks and tailoring.
7. As a child, I often spent summer vacations in Germany with my aunt and grandpa.
8. I had a sister who passed away at the age of 20. I miss her every day.
9. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a seamstress. I fulfilled that lifelong dream.
10. I was an au pair in St. Moritz and England.
11. I’ve lived in Saudi Arabia and England. Now I live in Switzerland again.
12. I have two wonderful children and two grandchildren.
13. I’ve been speaking English for 40 years, but I still haven’t lost my accent.
14. I ran my own tailoring studio in England and Switzerland for 30 years.
15. Twelve years ago, I started painting and helped set up a gallery and an art association.
16. Without my husband, I wouldn’t have achieved many things.
17. I work best when under time pressure.
18. I often lose myself in my work and forget the time.
19. I love chocolate ice cream cones, especially from Migros.
20. I am mentally very sensitive, empathetic, social, and family-oriented. But I’m also very emotional, and sometimes my Italian temper breaks through.
21. I have a green thumb and love English cottage gardening. Unfortunately, my husband doesn’t share this passion.
22. I have fewer clothes and shoes than my husband.
23. I’m a real chaotic person, but I know where (almost) everything is. Of course, I try to keep things tidy, but after one day, it looks like it did before.
24. I live, sleep, and eat my work. That means I’m pretty much always working.
25. I love learning something new every day.
26. I’m quite good with electronic and social media for my age and use them accordingly. But I have to admit, if I haven’t done something in a while, I have to watch YouTube videos to remember how it works. Age does have its moments ;—))))
27. I love movies, but I rarely get the chance to go to the cinema.
28. When we have guests, I prefer to cook curry dishes.
29. I would love to live somewhere in the wilderness.
30. I can get completely absorbed in a task or problem and (almost) never give up.
31. I love teaching and sharing my knowledge with others.
32. My favorite soup is vegetable soup. My husband calls it “racing driver’s soup.” Don’t ask me why ;—)))
33. I don’t enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes.
34. I love browsing in art supply stores.
35. I’d love to do an art retreat in England/Ireland/Scotland – and it’s becoming a reality in 2023.
36. I love being in the mountains, but hiking is not my strength.
37. Two chairs, feet up, and just letting the soul relax—what more could I want?
38. I feel free when I drive.
39. I could watch my grandchildren all day and never get tired of it.
40. There are so many media I can combine with encaustic painting, and I often get overwhelmed.
41. A fire pit, a good wine, and enjoying both.
42. Work is more important to me than housework.
43. I’m more of a dog person than a cat person.
44. Being a grandmother is the second-best thing after being a mother.
45. Sitting on the terrace in the morning and facing the new day—just wonderful.
46. Saying no is a skill that must be learned, and I’m not very good at it.
47. Once, I shortened a customer’s trousers too much. They ended up being ¾ length.
48. In Strasbourg, a little boy once stole our passports and all our money from the car while I was standing right next to it.
49. Sports are definitely not my strength.
50. I’d describe myself as innovative, versatile, and successful in what I do.
51. I say what I think and expect the same from others.
52. I can take criticism well, especially constructive criticism.
53. The scent of a vanilla candle is pure balm for me, but I don’t like vanilla ice cream at all.
54. I prefer to read non-fiction books from back to front.
55. I hate hypocrisy.
56. My husband gives me a foot massage every evening (with a few exceptions), and he’s been doing it for 20 years.
57. I prefer to talk through problems rather than sweeping them under the rug.
58. I’ve already found 3 mistakes in my encaustic workbook.
59. I fulfilled my dream of a second retreat with Trish.
March 2020